Treasure Chest for April 28, 2013, 6:00pm Sundays on 88.5 KRFY.
This week music to calm yourself and escape the doll-drums and stress of the day. It’s a Recipe For Stress-Free. This is not music necessarily to put you to sleep. Some people listen to the oddest assortment of sounds to sleep to from Death Metal to Gangsta rap. No, we’re not trying to put you to sleep. This is music to listen to when you can take a break from your day and just let you mind run free. We all need some time for that in our hectic and busy lives. On the way this hour: a fresh assortment of seasonings from indie artists like Mindy Smith, Ray LaMontagne, Vanessa Peters out of Austin, Tx, a soul/blues sound from Ruthie Foster, Regina Spektor and much more.