December 9, 2024 by JackThis week: the KRFY Community Radio Celebration
This week, the hours that usually feature local content from the studio will be a little different. Panhandle Community Radio is devoting this time on our airwaves to gratitude for those volunteer broadcasters, and their listeners, without whom Community Radio in North Idaho – and anywhere – would not be possible.
The music, information and entertainment you count on will continue as usual- but we’re also pairing up our regular broadcasters with a guest DJ who can help the listening audience find out more about the hosts of the programs we are proud to feature on 88.5 FM.
Call in during our regular local shows- The KRFY Morning Show, Inland Island, The Beast and the Priest, CP@3, North Idaho News of the Week, The 50s Fun Show, The Sixties Sounds Show, The Gospel Music Mix, The Sunday Mix, and The Radio Flyer – and let the hosts know you’re out there, what you like about the show, and what you’d like to hear more of.
Plus, it’s our last big push before the end of the year to raise funds and keep the station going strong and growing in 2025. It wouldn’t be Community Radio without support from the community, and that includes financial help, as well as volunteer hours. Donations are welcome in any season, but this is a particularly good time to make a contribution and let our volunteers and other listeners know that they are part of a large community of KRFY supporters. You can call in and make your donation over the phone or if you prefer, simply follow the link above to our secure Donations page.
OPERATORS ARE STANDING BY FOR YOUR CALL at (208) 265-2992 (during normal business hours). If nobody takes your call, leave a message with your name and phone number and your call will be returned promptly. You can also visit us at the station upstairs at 323 N. First Ave.