Here’s what’s coming up the week of October 29 – on the Morning Show on 88.5 KRFY. Airtime is 8 a.m. … but if you miss a show, you can hear a recorded podcast of it later in the day, on our Podcasts page.
Tuesday, October 30: Hosts Julie Kallemeyn and Phil Hough have invited the Paranormal Dave’s in for ghost stories and music along with few surprised guest to celebrate Halloween. Tune in at 8 a.m.
Wednesday, October 31: Tune in to hear LOCAL DECISION 2018 – GENERAL ELECTION with hosts Suzy Prez and Chris Bessler. Candidates for Bonner County Commissioner – District 1, have been invited in to talk about the issues facing the county. Airtime is 8 a.m.
Thursday, October 25: Join host Jack Peterson for the Thursday edition of the Morning Show. Guests to be announced. Tune in at 8 a.m.
Got a question for any of our Morning Show guests? We like to ask questions from listeners, but you need to get it to us in advance of the show! Just drop us an email at [email protected] or call and leave a phone message at 208-265-2992.