Seasonal topics upcoming on the Morning Show
Here’s what’s coming up this week of November 27-December 3 on the Morning Show, right here on 88.5 KRFY:
Tuesday, November 28: Join Morning Show hosts Phil Hough and Julie Kallemeyn for a pair of interviews. Their first guests will be Whitney Palmer and Kjetil Lund-Anders, student founders of the Sandpoint High School Sasquatch Club, with a look at the mysterious Lake Pend Oreille Paddler legend. Their second guest will be Marcy Timblin from the Bonner County Library with an update on the library expansion project and the “Giving Tuesday” fundraiser happening that very day. Airtime is 8 a.m., at 88.5 FM, or right here on our live stream via that black button at the right.
Wednesday, November 29: Hosts Chris Bessler and Suzy Prez dip into a pair of topics, first to talk with organizers of the upcoming “Helping Hands – Healing Hearts” service project by area churches to help those in need. Their second talk will be with organizers of the Christmas Faire and Children’s Festival put on annually by the Sandpoint Waldorf School and coming Saturday, December 1. Tune in at 8 a.m., over the air at 88.5 or online with our live stream.
Thursday, November 30: Join Morning Show hosts Jim Healey and Jack Peterson with their guest, Hannah Combs from the Pend Oreille Arts Council. The talk will focus on the coming Sunday, December 3, performance of The Nutcracker at the Panida Theater. Catch the talk at 8 a.m., at 88.5 KRFY or here online.
Got a burning question for any upcoming Morning Show guest? We welcome questions from our listeners. Send it via email to [email protected] or call and leave a phone message at 208-265-2992. We will ask your questions ON AIR during the Morning Show interviews.