9:00 a.m.: Steve Holt, executive director of the Eureka Institute, and Brietta Leader, teacher of “Soul Motion Inspired Conscious Dance,” were in the studio to talk about the Third Annual Northwest YogaFest to be held on August 2 – 4, 2013, at the Eureka Center near Gamblin Lake.
10:00 a.m.: Mandy Evans, representative of Leadership Sandpoint, and Jessica Martin, Community Cancer Services (CCS), came by the studio to talk to Jim Healey about the “Got Gas?” fundraising drive. CCS is a community-funded resource center providing information and supportive services to clients and their families experiencing cancer in Bonner and Boundary Counties. The local hospital in Sandpoint is a wonderful resource for cancer patients, but due to federal regulations it cannot provide radiation therapy in Sandpoint. This means that hundreds of patients leave the area to drive daily to Spokane to receive their treatment. The cost of this can create an enormous hardship on the patients and their families. In 2011, CCS gave out over 2,100 $15 gas cards to patients. This August CCS is holding a “Got Gas?” fundraising drive..