On Wednesday, June 12, 88.5 KRFY, Panhandle Community Radio, will be holding its annual meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to update community members on the status of the station, where it currently stands, and where it will be heading in the future.
The public is invited and encouraged to attend and will be given the opportunity to provide public comment and ask questions regarding the direction the station is taking.
Community radio is a valuable asset to the communities it serves. It is also an asset that can be shaped and influenced by the members of the community who support it. For this reason the station welcomes all who wish to attend and looks forward to receiving valuable input from all who are present.
The meeting starts at 5:00 pm and will be held at the Sandpoint Public Library at 1407 Cedar Street. For questions about this meeting, call 88.5 KRFY at 265-2992..