Here is what’s airing this week, March 24-28, 2025, on our live current affairs programs. These local shows air at 8 a.m. every Monday-Friday on 88.5 KRFY Community Radio. Tune in on your trusty radio, or stream them right here!
MONDAY, March 24: The Community Character Hour features guest Shaun Deller talking about the arrival of the fur trade in our area and its impact on the development of the region.
TUESDAY, March 25: Morning Show host Phil Hough will be talking with the Idaho Trails Association’s new Idaho field Representative, Barbara Sammut.
Wednesday, March 26: Join host Suzy Prez and her guests: Joyce Jowdy, Community Engagement and Adult Program Coordinator and Mat Doy, presenter, from the East Bonner County Library who will be talking about the upcoming Natural Connection program.
Thursday, March 27: Host Jack Peterson will be talking with newest KRFY Broadcaster Russ Tomlin about his involvement in KRFY and his new show: Made You A Mixtape, coming up on Tuesday nights at 8.
Also don’t miss on FRIDAY on KRFY:
North Idaho News of the Week airs every Friday with program hosts and journalists from the Sandpoint Reader and Daily Bee dissecting local headlines in a 30-minute review of the biggest local news of the week. Tune in Fridays at 8 a.m. to 88.5 FM… or stream it live, right here on
Did you miss the live show? Click to hear this recent show on Spotify.
Hear recent recorded shows on Spotify: